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Tel: 07947 864909
129a Whitfield Street The Audition House London W1T 5EQ
This website designed and powered by The Cracking Good Design Company
07956 562118 Created for: Instinctual Acting / Michael Duvall
All material and images copyright Instinctual Acting,
and may not be used without permission.
Have you ever watched the way a one or two-year-old baby moves and crawls on the floor. They'll stand and fall with grace, without inhibitions.. laughing, falling, and crying in equal measures these are just simple natural instincts. Even though your dog may have been to the park a hundred times before, every trip is a first time experience. Dogs love it out in the open air and will react with excitement and wonder, sniffing the air, the grass, chasing the birds or jumping into a pond without fear or inhibitions.
You may remember the thrill of expectation on your very first trip on an aeroplane how excited you were and the feeling you experience as the plane takes off into a whole new world. All this is based on instincts, nothing will stop these natural instincts flowing freely, and you should embrace them without any fear.
iA is a student of the last century's great teachers of acting from Stanislavski to Chekhov, Meisner to Uta Hagen, Lee Strasberg, to Stella Adler and Harold Cluman. iA recognises their influences and acknowledge their contribution to the way we have developed our technique in the way we teach.
Music, like getting into a part you are playing, is tremendously important to every one of us. It can take you back to sad and joyous moments or turning points in our lives, associated with a classical piece, a love song, free flowing sultry Jazz, great Rock music, or a full blown rousing Choir.
You can look at a grey sky and feel down, equally a sunny day can make you cheerful and your outlook that much brighter. You react with a feeling that it's going to be a wonderful day and everything is going to work out just fine.
iA utilises the power of images, colours, sounds, music, in fact everything we see and hear in life. Almost every day you hear sirens going off, and you instinctively fear the worst, you see police cars flying by, you can feel a real sense of forboding or simply that trouble is in the air.
iA encourages you to feel and explore all these wonderful instinctual moments. We encourage being 100% true to yourself, and to trust your own judgement and instincts whether you're playing a part or just being yourself. Open up and embrace new experiences in your life, and bring those many wonderful experiences to your acting. iA looks to bypass the many tried and tested complexities of acting, allowing you access to something we call instinctual acting, bringing a completely new concept to an ancient art form.
Your instincts are the keys to unlock the very best in your acting ability. Don't be afraid to open up your past experiences in order to bring out these real instincts.
Draw on the wealth of your own life experiences, combine them with what you see, hear, sense, smell, and feel around you in the moment. Trust what is sometimes referred to as your 'gut' reaction, then bring these feelings to whatever part you are playing. Allowing these stored instincts to come through will produce your best acting moments.
iA is proud to be a starting point for so many actors who, in the next 10 – 15 years will learn the craft of acting under iA. Hopefully, the method of acting we teach will lead them to enjoy a prolonged and successful acting career. Here are a list of actors who iA are proud to be associated with:
Michelle Greenidge
Silvia Busuioc
Cengiz Dervis
Charlotte Beaumont
Suki and Immy Waterhouse
Bianca Sowerby
"I would like to mention the huge respect we have for the many other wonderful acting coaches based here in London and around the world. We are all part of this wonderful craft together, and for us as teachers being on hand
to witness talented actors develop their skills and going on to achieve their life long dreams and aspirations is a feeling unlike any other."
Michael Duvall
Instinctual Acting
All workshops are:
Designed for camera technique.
Working with both a technical and natural approach
Teaching how to let the camera work for you from close ups to mid shots
How to keep working every moment you are on set
Teaching all aspects of acting from Drama to Comedy
Acting skills taught for both Television and Films
Click the blue arrow to hear Michael Duvall introduce Instinctual Acting in his own words:
Tel: 07947 864909